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Writer's pictureHeidi Sharman

A simple guide to gas relief

Updated: Nov 25, 2020

Gas, an unpleasant topic

Let’s be honest, gas isn’t our favorite topic, the only thing worse than talking about it is dealing with the pain, discomfort and occasional embarrassment from an untimely episode. While we all know what it is, the cause at times is a little more elusive.

Identifying some of the common causes may help.

Gas….Common Causes

Swallowing air while you eat or drink:

Most of us know that drinking fizzy drinks like sodas, beer, and sparkling water tend to make you belch but did you know that chewing gum, and smoking can also attribute to gas?

Each time you chew, or inhale when smoking, you may be inadvertently swallowing air at the same time.

Avoiding or reducing your intake of carbonated beverages as well as chewing gum may help and if you haven’t already… STOP SMOKING!

Certain High Fiber Foods:

Beans, peas, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower

While healthy foods, these high fiber foods are tougher to digest and sometimes reach the lower intestine without being fully broken down, when this occurs, gas can occur.

To help give your Digestive System a head start and possibly reduce some of the unwanted side effects of High Fiber related gas, be sure to chew your food thoroughly before swallowing. This simple step will jump start the break down process, allowing for better digestion in your intestines.


Carbohydrates can be tough to digest, and depending on your gut health, you may have a shortage of enzymes needed to digest some types of carbohydrates, including certain sugars, starches and fiber. Starches, such as potatoes, corn and pasta, can produce gas.

Reducing or eliminating certain carbohydrates from your diet could give your system relief, understanding which ones your body struggles with is helpful.

Sugar Substitutes:

With so many people trying to find a lower calorie alternative to sugar, artificial sweeteners have become common place in the market. Sweeteners such as sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol, are found in a number of sugar free alternative foods, gums and even beverages, and may cause excess colon gas.

If you seek a sugar alternative, opt for a natural option such as raw organic stevia, Erythritol, or monk fruit.


Overeating can also lead to bloating. When a large meal is consumed, your stomach has to work harder to digest it, which may result in excess gas build up when food enters the lower intestine. If you tend to overeat, try eating smaller portions, and remember to eat slowly. Eating slowly, not only helps prevent you from gulping down air when you eat, but also helps your body catch up with the chemical messenger process, so it recognizes when your full.

Eating too quickly or when stressed:

While most of us know that stress can lead to poor food choices, did you know that it can also lead to stomach discomfort. When your stressed, you tend to eat too quickly, gulping air when you eat, resulting in gas and belching. If your stressed out, take a few deep breaths before you eat and eat slowly.

Food intolerances:

If you have food intolerances, your digestive system will struggle to break down and absorb certain foods, when undigested protein hits your lower intestine, gas and discomfort can occur. Lactose intolerance and Gluten intolerance are two common intolerances people struggle with today.

When an intolerance is identified, finding an alternative and avoiding the culprit can help reduce symptoms.

Other Helpful Tips

In addition to some of the tips above, there are other simple things you can incorporate into your life today that may help reduce gas symptoms are good for overall health.


Don’t forget to hydrate. Never underestimate the benefit of a simple glass of water.


Walk, run, bike, swim, whatever your heart desires. 30 minutes, at least 3 times a week is a wonderful way to keep your Digestive System Healthy

Eat your Fruits and Veggies:

Aim for 7 a day. Organic Fruits and Vegetables contain vitamins minerals and prebiotics your body needs to thrive.

As a Certified Transformational Health Coach and Digestive Health Specialist, when a client comes to me with Tummy Troubles, our first step is to identify the cause, not apply a band aid to the situation. Working together, we do an intensive dive into the clients history and symptoms, including dietary habits, lifestyle, even emotional wellbeing. With those details in mind, I help to educate my client on possible causes, and together, we establish personal protocols that the client can incorporate into their life to help provide relief.

Want a detailed analysis of your Gut Health, contact me for more information at

This blog post is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not medical, mental health or healthcare advice. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition or mental or emotional condition.

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